Can sugarcane shoes help you recover from a marathon? We put them to the test

There has been a recent surge in the popularity of environmentally friendly running shoes, with brands including Reebok, Salomon and Brooks all launching shoes made of sustainable and recycling materials. Meanwhile allbirds – famous for wool shoes – have changed from strength to strength, and has just launched the first sustainable shoes to walk.

Training does not end when you take off your running shoes and take a snack. Recovery is also important – where Kane rises back. These are slip-on shoes made of renewable plant-based foam to use after your exercise when you walk and stay active. But what really wants to use – and does it work?

Why is the recovery shoes?

“When I was a team of USA Lacrosse Player I would often finish the game and slipped my feet into something that was not too supportive,” said the founder and CEO of Kane, John Galiardi told Techradar.

“I feel there must be a better choice for athletes who want to take care of their feet, which is why I work with Dr. [and] Geller, a leg surgery and certified ankle surgery, to develop shoes that are comfortable, supportive and fun to use Of course. “

At first glance, the shoes produced have resemblance to crocs clogs, with perforated air flow for air flow, but the similarity ends there. Kane rises back is much slimmer and efficiently, with a soft and single top made of foam bouceback (material made using sugar cane). This is not only more sustainable, but also provides more bearings than resin.

It’s suitable for any sport, and we test it after a few long term and can confirm that it’s good for tired legs after a few hours on the road. It is easily drawn using the cable in the back (also used to hang shoes for storage) and suitable as sandals.

It is also a bit stretchy, providing good support, especially around Midfoot, and has a very wide TOEBOX, which is very helpful if your feet tend to swell during practice.

“The structure is key in recovery,” explained Dr. Geller, Podiatrist who advised Kane. “Only through pillows, comfort, support and ease of motion can shoes call the recovery shoes. The aspects of this transportation allow joints, muscles, tendons and bones recover while remaining active.”

Other features that are unusual Kane Revive are corrugated textures in Innersole, which are intended to help increase blood flow. The lump is strong but not difficult, and even though you will realize the texture if you flex your toes, it doesn’t interfere at all when you take a walk gently, and you will immediately forget it when massage gently. Your soles.

In shoes you will see the grooves in the foam connecting between the above perforations, helping flowing air through easier, but no stitches or hard edges at all. Shoes also burn a little on the back of the ankle, which prevents the risk of rubbing – a touch of wise design.

Kane Revive is unisex, designed to follow any foot curve, and even though it’s not a substitute for foam rollers for tight tendons, there is a lot of arch support. Your heel is also captured well, with a little underwear the only holding it in its place. Shoes never feel in danger of slipping as we walk, whether we wear socks or not.

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